Wednesday 8 May 2019

Poetry Day Ireland and 5th Class

This year, Poetry Day Ireland was on the 2nd May and all the boys got 'stuck in' and spent just 10 minutes writing a poem about any subject they wanted.  Poetry is a wonderful way for the boys to express themselves and their ideas better.
Here is a small selection of the wonderful poetry composed in 5th class.

The Mystery Ship
The mystery ship,
Named Mary Celeste,
Was a weird boat,
Quite unlike the rest.

You see, it went missing,
Far out at sea,
Nobody knows how,
It’s a mystery.

Perhaps it sank,
At the hands of the Kraken,
Maybe a mutiny,
Against the captain.

Still nobody knows,
What happened to it,
So let’s just call it,
The mystery ship.
                                                                 By: Emmet Callan
People say “It’s impossible”.
Nothing is.

Let your imagination run free
Anywhere you think you can be
Thoughts all jumbled about
And through your pencil you let them out
In your mind only ideas exist
Some dismissed with a flick of the wrist
In there, there’s nothing you can’t do
Really, the only limit is you.
                                                                           By:  Kieran Looby


The Secret Garden 

You want to go to the garden I see
You’ll have to wait and follow me
Up the bridge, round the bend
And you’ll see your journeys end.

Follow the hill and round the trees
Looking out for the small buzzing bees
Your journey ends, but do not fear
Yes, I see that little small tear

This garden is for yours to keep
So, jump around and have a leap
Now go run free on this misty night
Let the garden take full flight.
                                                                          By: Kealan Scanlan

I’m a Potato

I’m a potato
In the middle of the night
I caught the blight
And now
I’m heading towards the light.

                                                                        By:  Rian O’Connor

The Octopus

The octopus swims
Under the sea
Into the depths of the beautiful blue.

Seaweed and coral grow on the rocks,
And the octopus swims,
Through the ripples of water.

Fish and sharks,
Whales and rays,
 Are all animals that the octopus sees.

He takes a rest
Against a rock,
Camouflaged on the grey surface.

When he wakes,
The ocean is dark
Night has come.

Again the octopus swims through the blue
The sea is now quiet
While most animas are asleep.

He keeps on swimming,
Through the dark,
Enjoying this peaceful night.

Sometimes his other friends appear,
He only meets them at dark,
Down further in the blue.

Giant squids,
Fish with lights,
The octopus sees all of these sights.

The morning is soon,
The octopus swims,
Another day done,
In the deep blue.
                                                                                        By:  Conor Watts


I    Icy weather, almost never warm
R      Right beside England with Big Ben
E      Equally as cold as Iceland
L      Love being cooled down by the cold air
A     And summer is on the way
N     Now you know what Ireland is like, it may be cold but it is home
D     Dublin is mine and Ireland is good enough for me

                                                                                                  By:  Adam Cullen