Friday 11 January 2019

Hybrid animals project

Image result for narwhal
Narwhals - 'Unicorn of the Sea'

We recently completed the Michael Morpurgo story 'I Believe in Unicorns'. In it, Tomas (the main character) is told a story about how unicorns came to be.
The story goes that unicorns were left behind by Noah's ark and swam and swam in the flood waters until their legs disappeared and then their manes and then their tails until finally they were just white blobs with a horn on their head. Effectively, they became narwhals!!
We had some fun with this idea in partners, looking up weird looking creatures on the tablets and coming up with a creation story for how they came to be! Have a read below of some of these 'creation stories'!

The Water Bear by Jack Doyle and Kieran Looby
The water bear was once a great and powerful creature but evolution forced it to shrink down to a tiny little organism. It still kept its power so that is how it is able to survive in the harshest climates and even survive in space (true fact!)
Image result for water bear

The Emperor Tamarin by Seán Mulrooney and Emmet Callan
Once there was an emperor tamarin troop. They were eating each others' fleas. One monkey was too rough and he pulled out all of the hair on either side of the other monkey's nose! This monkey was brought in by humans who took pity on her and used special lotion to grow the hair back. It worked too well and she grew a huge moustache!
Image result for tamarin monkey