Monday 7 January 2019

Homework change

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I am very aware that there are certain nights in households that are busier than others and homework either can't be done or is rushed and completed incorrectly. This is life and it's great that the boys are doing extra-curricular activities!

This said, I have decided to try a new initiative to help alleviate the stress of these busy evenings. I will give the boys their homework on a Monday for the whole week and the boys can do it when it suits them over the four nights. It will all be checked on Friday morning. This is reflective of what will happen in secondary school anyway, where they get homework from a teacher that they may not see from one end of the week to the next.

Some boys may get it all done in one night and others may just carve up the assignments over the week as per usual. The weekly homework will follow the same structure more or less each week with Maths, English and Irish pieces of work to be completed for the Friday. There may be the odd night when they have an extra piece of homework written into their diaries so still keep an eye on the diary!

As always, check the blog regularly for 5th class news!