Monday 10 December 2018

Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and Division

5th class have completed their chapter on Multiplication and Division and the boys have completed a test which they will bring home tonight to be signed.
Ms. Fannin will be doing a 'maths grind' on the above topics tomorrow (Tuesday) at lunch time (12pm) and this is available to any of the boys who wish to attend.

Chapter 6:  Multiplication and Division (Operation Maths letter to parents)

Dear Family,

In this chapter we will be revising what your child knows about multiplication and division.  Here are some ways you can support your child and us at home.

  • Being able to do simpler calculations mentally is hugely important.  Encourage your child to look for opportunities to calculate mentally, e.g. if the numbers are small, if they are simple, end in zeros, etc.
  • Fact fluency is still extremely important.  Encourage your child to do games and activities that test their basic facts.  This could be a number facts game on the Internet, an app on a mobile device or just calling out facts for them to solve (e.g. when in the car "what is 2x3" etc...)
  • Your child may be doing the written calculations in a different way than how you learned to do them.  If you wish to help your child, please use the examples in the book(s) for guidance.
  • If your child is struggling, encourage them to draw a picture of base ten materials or to use a different method, e.g. the grid method, multiplies on a T-chart, etc...