Monday 17 June 2019

Book Launch 29th May 2018

On Wednesday 29th May we had the official launch of our book "A Book by Boys who Dare to be Authors".  Our special guests on the day were Rose Henderson, Actor and Author and Amy from the Alzheimer's Association.  We had a wonderful afternoon and many parents, grandparents and family members attended. The boys prepared a lovely array of canapes and some delicious cup cakes from Jake and rice krispie buns from Kealan. 

Saturday 15 June 2019

Sports Day

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Sports Day this Tuesday! Kicking off at 11am

Class production

We are proud to announce that our mini production of 'Joseph' will be performed in the school hall on Friday 21st June at 1.45pm sharp. We look forward to seeing you then!

Thursday 13 June 2019

Clara Lara

Even the dismal weather couldn’t dampen the boys’ spirits in Clara Lara yesterday! A great day had all round, apologies for all the bags of clothes that were added to the laundry pile last night!

Thursday 6 June 2019

Visit from the Anne Sullivan Foundation

Louise from the Anne Sullivan Foundation visited us today and we learned about some of the many obstacles that face people that are deaf blind in our society. It taught the boys yet again to be more understanding, patient and compassionate  with people that have disabilities.