Monday 17 December 2018

Letters to Santa...with a twist!

Image result for we are wearing out the naughty step

We used the children's book by Mick Inkpen 'We are wearing out the Naughty Step' as inspiration for our literacy lesson today. The boys had to write a funny letter to Santa from the point of view of a little child who is finding it hard not to be naughty! Have a read of some of the letters...

Dear Santa (by Liam Mulvey)
I'm pretty sure I've been good this year. Mum doesn't think I have. The only bad things I did were by accident like when I tripped and the dirty underwear flew out of my hand and landed on my borther's head. I think I have superpowers because the carrots on my plate talked to me and they said they wanted to get into my nose so I let them. It's not my fault that mum puts me on the naughty step for no reason. No one is perfect. 
Love, Jack (ps I'm only 6)

Dear Santa (by Jacob Collery)
I have been good this year. Just to tell you the hamster asked me to put him in the vacuum cleaner but mum put me on the naughty step! I think the hamster should go on the naughty step because he asked me to put him in the vacuum cleaner. My baby brother got a bean in his ear and maybe from the angle you looked, it was me who did it but it wasn't. My baby brother asked me to take his teddy bear but it was a trick and he started crying when I took it. So it wasn't any of my fault and I have tried my bestest all the time!
Love, Zoe aged 5

Dear Santa (by Leon Keenan)
My name is Maya and I would like to clear up some rumours. I did not eat all the sweets in the jar, they just simply hopped into my mouth!! Now with that out of the way, this year I want a surprise and the new doll. 
Love, Maya (ps if anyone tells you I haven't been good - don't believe them!)

Dear Santa (by Donnacha Thornton)
I have been very good this year (sort of). Mummy said I shouldn't have asked you why you were fat when I went to see you in the shops but I couldn't help it. It also wasn't my fault that I set our dog loose in the garden when Jimmy was playing football, he just looked like he needed a bit of fresh air. Now I'm writing this letter on the naughty step but I'm not really,
Love, Angel

Dear Santa (by Kealon Scanlon)
My name is Kate. I have been the best girl in the whole wide world. Okay, I didn't mean to put all of my mummy's make-up into my special potion and I only wanted to see what Angel looked like in Daddy's suit. I also can't forget when I pushed the red button in the library and it started raining and soaked all the books. Anyhoo, I tried my bestest to be good. 
Love and kisses, Kate (ps I didn't mean to throw mummy's ring into the bin but when she said it was priceless I thought that meant it was terrible.)

Dear Santa (by Matthew Hayden)
I've been the best this year but I didn't mean to throw mommy's cellphone down the toilet. Also, I didn't mean to sell daddy's watch and I didn't mean to drive mommy's car and crash it! I'm only 5 and daddy told me I've been a very nice girl and nobody is perfect!
Love, Leah